The power of Discrete Video Modelling
In recent years, the concept of discrete video modelling (DVM) has gained attention, particularly in education and therapy. Coaches, therapists, and practitioners around the globe have adopted DVM and have seen their clients’ progress skyrocket. But what is discrete video modelling, and how does Taskey take it to the next level? Let’s dive in!
What Is Discrete Video Modelling?
Discrete Video Modelling (DVM) is a powerful technique practitioners use to help patients acquire a particular skill. It involves creating or using videos of individuals successfully performing a skill they aim to master. Patients can then watch these videos repeatedly, which strengthens the relevant neural pathways, ultimately helping them embed the skill.
Elite athletes use a similar technique when they visualise themselves practising and winning before important competitions. However, DVM extends this concept further. Research shows that it helps individuals who struggle with visualisation due to cognitive disabilities. It does this by presenting the visualisation via video. Let’s look at how it works in a speech therapist context.
Real-Life Application of DVM
Let's consider the example of a speech therapist working with a child who has a speech delay.
At the end of a successful session mastering a particular skill, the therapist captures the child's achievement on video. They then integrate the video into a task management tool, adding a schedule for the child to watch and practise the skill three times a week.
By watching the video at home and practicing in response to the video, the child reinforces the gains made during the therapy session, making room for the next skill to be learned.
As in every professional context, it’s important to have the right tools to achieve a great outcome. In working to the challenging goal of building speech pathways, it’s important to have a tool to make DVM easy for both practitioner and client. This is where Taskey comes in.
How can Taskey help?
Taskey can play a crucial role in effectively implementing a range of therapeutic approaches, and most especially DVM.
Taskey extends the impact of the practitioners’ work across the divide between appointments; With Taskey, therapists can easily create and send personalised learning paths for each individual based on their unique needs to empower them to succeed.
Taskey enables:
- Sharing of video based tasks: the therapist can capture specific moments of the session, or send tasks from their own bespoke library of content. By making video-based tasks easily accessible to the client, the achievements of the session are multiplied.
- Scheduled Reinforcement: Taskey allows therapists to add a frequency for completion of the tasks. The client sets up the schedule suitable to their daily lives and scheduled phone reminders assist the clients to stick to their goals between sessions.
- Family and Caregiver Involvement: Taskey makes it easy for family members and carers to access tasks and support individuals to practise their skills outside of the therapy or educational setting. When practicing a video-based task, the client is in fact, being closely guided by the therapist and is able to refer to the specific techniques employed during the session.
This article uses the speech therapist as an example, but of course DVM is a powerful tool for many professional practices, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, music and dance coaching… to name just a few.
If you would like to learn more about how Taskey can help your clients progress, contact Taskey today.