
How to scale your coaching business with Taskey


If you are a life or online coach, you already know through your blood, sweat and tears that the coaching industry is competitive… and that elevating your reputation for success is the number one way to grow a profitable business.

But it’s not only about profit! There’s a lot of joy and self-fulfilment in operating as a successful life coach. It’s more than a little bit about self-expression, isn’t it?

As a life coach, you have a unique offering based not just on training, techniques and methodologies, but also on who you are; your unique self-expression - drawing on your personal journey of growth through knowledge, healing and the getting of wisdom. 

In short, your value proposition is you in all your glorious uniqueness! So how can you scale ‘you’? How can you deliver more of you to more clients, more efficiently, all while delivering the same high quality, individualised service and boosting your reputation for success? 

Consider a free trial of Taskey; a versatile coaching app that allows you to work smarter, not harder. 

You x Taskey

Taskey is a force multiplier for your coaching business. It enables you to streamline your coaching workflow and enhance service delivery by capturing and organising your coaching content, then delivering it phone to phone, wherever you are - wherever your clients are! Each task in the app can contain video, audio, photos, instructions and PDF, and when your clients receive your tasks, they can set-up phone-based reminders according to the schedule you include.

The outcome of you x Taskey is the ability to help more clients succeed with less effort!

Your expertise + reminders = results  

Here is a sample of what this very simple app can help you do:  

  • Build a unique digital library of task-based coaching content right on your phone.
  • Create personalised tasks that are tailored to each client’s specific needs and goals.
  • Create groups of clients in the Taskey app so you can send tasks ‘in bulk’.
  • Send coaching content and courses along with a phone-based reminder schedule to ensure your clients stay on track.
  • Work remotely with clients, reducing the frequency of face-to-face sessions while maintaining effective service delivery.

How Taskey Helps You Scale Your Business 

Through the Taskey app, you can provide consistent, personalised and remote support to your clients and help them achieve their objectives faster. This in turn, boosts your reputation as a successful coach, drawing more clients to you - like bees to a flower. Then, with more clients on your books, Taskey can help you operate economies of scale by allowing you to automatically build a library of tasks as you go, and reuse content across a variety of clients and groups..

This leaves more time for you - to take on additional clients, expand your business without feeling overwhelmed, and invest in your personal and professional growth.

Be prepared to take your coaching practice to the next level - the Taskey app is coming soon!

Use Taskey for free forever with only 2 clients or try a free trial of any of our economical subscription plans.

If you would like to learn more about how Taskey might work for you, contact us today.

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